For Admission +91 433-345 4556


Our B.Sc. Nursing programme has a duration of 4 years. The programme is intended to develop the student as a person, who upon graduation will strive to fulfill their role as a member of the healthcare team. They are also trained to uphold the dignity of the profession and to establish professional autonomy in nursing education, practice, and research. Our extensive practical training sessions are aimed to prepare graduate nurses to have the ability to approach healthcare from a broader knowledge base to apply analytic, synthetic and interpretative skills to their role.


Learning Experiences @ Meenakshi College



English is the medium of instruction for all the subjects of study and for examinations of the Bachelor of Science degree course in Nursing.



Tuition fees and other fees should be paid at the beginning of each year. The exact fees to be paid by students of all categories will be informed at the time of selection/admission.



No candidate will be admitted to the University Examination unless they have an attendance of minimum 80% in theory and practical in the relevant subjects every year. 240 working days in an academic year is compulsory. Since a “Hands-on” experience is a major component of Nursing Education, students who miss any part of the clinical experience for reasons other than sick leave will be required to compensate. A candidate must have 100% attendance in each of the practical areas before receiving the degree.



Performance of the student is assessed by monthly evaluation of academic performance (Theory and practical) and quarterly submission of internal assessment marks to the University. University examination will be held at the end of each year in the subjects prescribed for the year. (25% of the internal assessment grade will be added to the external assessment grade) Candidates should submit a record of clinical work done duly attested by the Head of the College before being admitted to the examination. All the students are expected to maintain a high standard in academic and clinical performance throughout the programme.



Internship means 8 hours of integrated clinical duties in which 2 weeks of evening and night shift duties are included in the final year. The internship should be carried out as 8 hours per day @ 48 hours per week. Students during the internship will be supervised by nursing teachers. The fourth year final examination will be held only after completing the internship.



  1. Fees once remitted, will not be refunded.
  2. Students who voluntarily withdraw from the college shall be required to pay full fees for the entire course (4 YEARS).
  3. The college does not take any responsibility for the loss of personal property.
  4. Students are strictly forbidden from keeping valuable goods like jewelry etc.
  5. Vacations should be planned according to the programme. If a student is not able to return on time due to illness, the principal should be intimated immediately, followed by a written explanation. On return, she should submit a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner stating the full details of her illness and treatment. Normally, no other leave will be given.
  6. For any day of absence without prior permission, three days will have to be made up before the end of the academic year.
  7. Students are eligible for 10 days of sick leave in a year. Days availed over and above the prescribed number of sick leave will be considered as time loss. The disciplinary measures in such cases will be decided taking into consideration the individual cases.